New Atlas UPDATE! – July 2022 – Overview

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Staff Email Signature
  • Student IDs Picture Size
  • Money Magnet Sales Widget
  • Money Magnet Pages Draft List
  • Persistent Past Due Notification on Check-In
  • Batch- Check In


The entire team from AMS / ATLAS is proud to welcome you to the latest build for ATLAS. The July build includes a number of enhancements, fixes, and tweaks. We hope you like the new changes and, as always, any feedback is welcome!

Staff Email Signature

Staff Email Signatures are an excellent way to give the email recipient information about the sender. Most commonly, the signature will contain a full name, company details, contact information, and can even have a link to your website! Play around and get creative! Below is an example of what one looks like. Once you set it up in your Person Profile, use it as a wildcard in all your emails!


Student IDs Picture Size

You asked, we listened. Student IDs were hard to recognize with the size and format of the pictures. We have enlarged the picture so you can now see the student and recognize the photo. The only thing left to say is, “Cheese!”


Money Magnet Sales Widget

We have added a Money Magnet Sales Widget to the dashboard. Now, at a glance, you can easily keep track of your sales with this perfectly customizable widget straight from your Dashboard. 


Money Magnet Pages Draft List

Did you start a Money Magnet Page and not have time to finish it? Did you just have an idea started and not sure how you were going to finish it but worry that you can’t save what you started? Well, that is no longer an issue. We now save your unfinished work in our Draft List. So, start those pages and come back later if need be. It will be there waiting. 


Persistent Past Due Notification on Check-In

Ever teach a lesson and after the fact you realized that a student in that class was past due or had an expired agreement? That all will be in the past now if you have uBill. We have added a Past Due Notification that will pop up on any screen you’re logged into and will notify you that a certain student is not up to date. This alert will not go away until you click either “Hide This Alert” or “Go To Contract”. Scenarios that will trigger the Pop-Up include: Student checked in and their agreement is expired; expiring in ten days; last uBill payment failed; or their uBill account is past due. 


Batch Check-In

We have added a new look to our GUI and functionality to our Batch Check-In. Take a look, and see how it feels!

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